
students, subjects, & genres

I’m a multidisciplinary educator who has worked with a wide range of students in several different settings, including

Sample Syllabi

Sarah Lawrence College: LGBT Studies 3209
Feminist and Queer Waves: Reading Canon in Context

Northwestern University: Perf. Studies/ Gender & Sexuality Studies 300
Trash! Abject Object Orientations, Hoarding, & Performance

University of Massachusetts Amherst: English Writing 112
College Writing


Across these diverse sites and students, I emphasize

  • autoethnographic inquiry, grounded in memoir and performances by minoritarian authors who theorize from embodied experience

  • multi-modal writing, including performance-making, digital writing, and creative non-fiction to target specific audiences and respond to specific exigencies

  • public engagement, including public performance, critical ethnography, and public writing genres, archival research, and

  • process-based writing, with frequent low-stakes writing and feminist techniques of workshopping and revisions.

Click here to read more about my teaching philosophy.